Deepak Chopra has inspired many evenings, and subway rides for me. So many evenings I have spent reading my books, listening to my books on my IPod, and it is no secret one of my favorite authors is Deepak Chopra. Like millions of other fans, I enjoy Deepak's mind body connections. Tonight, I had the pleasure to hear him speak about his newest book "Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul". The event was an Open Center event, with at least over 1000 people, including myself in attendance. While waiting in my pew for Deepak to begin his talk, I happily engaged in conversation with the person next to me and began to read Deepak's book 17 pages in. I took the Quiz "are you ready for change"? , and I responded yes to every question, which when evaluated, painted me to be the person who embraces personal transformation, holistic medicine, hands on healing, viewing the body spirit connection as a serious aspect of our journey, and someone who identifies with other seekers of higher consciousness. This did not surprise me. Enter Deepak Chopra...applause! He spoke about how we are all "consciousness" or spirit, molecular energy that vibrates and manifests aspects of our lives from our own minds. Personally, I agree that we do create our path, we attract situations, and are connected to nature, so as usual I was loving this new book already. While the evening was full of insight, humour and an interesting Power Point Slide Show, I enjoyed learning that we share 60 % of our genes with a banana. We also share 90% of genes with a mouse, and 99% with a Chimpanzee! Therefore, all the other things that make us human are dependant upon an evolutionary process that is more non-physical than physical. We are connected to nature in more ways than we care to admit. We invent ourselves. Personally, the many miracles I have experienced and witnessed in my life, along with my personal journey as a musician, yogi, reiki practitioner and lover of life, all make me feel deeply connected to the topics in this latest book by the lovely, Deepak Chopra.
My evening with Deepak concluded with 100's of New Yorkers attempting to cut the line to have him autograph their book, me patiently waiting in my row while reveling in the fact that myself and Deepak are cut from the same banana tree, followed by him signing my book, and me smiling for a picture with the host of the evening. If you have not read a book by Deepak Chopra I recommend it! This one already looks like it will be one of my favorites but I also enjoyed "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind", "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success", "The Spontaneous Fulfilment of Desire", "Quantum Healing", "Buddha",and "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga". I think I may have read other works by him, but those are the titles that come to mind. Have a peaceful journey! Have an attitude of gratitude! Pick up "Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting The Soul" and enjoy the subway ride! ~Peace & hugs, Ambria