It's official, I have been injured from my head to toes. Why? I recently broke (fractured) my right big toe. How? Well, I had tremendous inspiration to be a "handstander" this year, which resulted in practicing diligently, and lack of focus when coming down. I started out the quest and rearranged my private Yoga Session Students, so I could take classes with some of my favorite Yogi's in NYC that I knew would help me further the quest to be a handstander. One day, before Karate class, I was walking my feet up the wall, and walking my hands closer to the wall, in efforts to get vertical, alongside Sempai David. On the 5th or 6th handstand, I was inspired to go higher up the wall with my toes, (coached by Sempai David of course) and my arms had enough, so I jumped my feet down too quick, and smash. Ironically, everyone heard a "snap" except for me. Let me say, this was not Sempai David's fault, it was mine, and thanks to his coaching, I did get up higher! Nonetheless, I got ready for Karate class, and was happy to win the Plank Pose holding contest, watching all the Black belts fall to the floor, until it was a showdown between myself and Sempai David (because the pain in my foot was growing, I was on one foot, therefore, even though it was declared a tie with Sempai David, hello?? I WON). Throughout class I noticed the purple color on my toe, the swelling, and obvious soreness. I did what I could in Karate, and left to go teach my private yoga session. I went home, and iced the foot. The next morning, I woke up to a purple foot that is literally 3 times the size, and pain! Off to the doctor (Chiropractor), and x-rays to find out I have a non-displaced fracture. Since this amazing Dr. doesn't deal with feet, he referred me to a Orthopedist, I investigated to family medical professionals, and Dr. Google. I decided to tape up my toe myself to the next toe and put a splint on it, with regular ice. Pain was awesome, and I felt every bit of it. For anti inflammatory purposes I took Turmeric (natural alternative), and prayer. This experience taught me so much.
1. The toes are important! Feet are our foundation. Take care of your feet.
2. Gratitude! I have 9 other amazing healthy toes!
3. Gratitude! My awesome student Michelle hooked me up with a "boot" for my foot, My Awesome students Doris & Milta brought me to their lovely sis/aunt who works at a Podiatrist office and gave me some sexy boots for my foot, x-ray confirmation that the fracture has healed a little, and taped the bad boy up.
4. Gratitude! to those wonderful folks who have driven me home on numerous occasions from BX to BK! So much love for just one toe!
5. Inspiration! Breaking a toe can only further the inspiration to improve arm balances, so since Sempai David felt bad about his "lack of Spotting me" he has since taken on the job of walking me on my hands around the room in the dojo, and catching my feet when I go up into handstands (again gratitude, thank you Sempai David for helping me)
6. Inspiration! Breaking a toe, can also influence the flow of an entire yoga class, we have now embraced the multiple 5 second chutturunga count down! YES!!!
7. Yoga Focus - it is important to come in and out of poses with equal grace and breath awareness.
8. Gratitude! People in NYC have been so kind, giving me seats on the train, offering to carry me down the steps and random well wishes! Awesome!
9. Gratitude! Both my private and group yoga students have inspired me and supported me to rest a bit more than I do.
10. Growth - When we injure a part of our body, we learn how to use our body in other ways, and have a choice to focus on the one negative, or in my case the 9 other positives, and most importantly we learn patience.
6- 8 weeks of healing...Two more weeks marks 6 weeks, we shall see. Positive thinking, meditation & prayer, and so much love from family, friends and students allows for the healing process to be joyful! Be good to your body, from your head to your toes. While I am lucky the break was "non-displaced" and since I am active and fit, it seems to be healing good, still one should be mindful in all that they do. Thank you everyone for all the love. Always remember the RICE approach to injuries R=Rest, I=Ice, C=Compress, E=Elevate.
Pictures : Sempai David assisting my handstand (while I wear the sexy boot) & Sempai David and Ambria