For many people the weekend of 9/11 brings a lot of stress and anxiety. It is a reminder of a time that brought tremendous grief to a nation, and loss for many. We can remember our beloved fire fighters, police officers, volunteers and angels who helped many people during this tough time. We can offer prayers, offer our yoga practice (as a moving prayer/meditation), and even offer time for meditation to restore the hearts of many people.
We can remember where we were 10 years ago, I myself was in Boston, studying for my undergrad at Berklee College of Music. Ironically, weeks prior to 9/11, my mom, myself and many other people I knew were having vivid dreams of chaos, dusty rubble and people afraid. I had been feeling uneasy for a week, and I knew it was not jitters for school, as I loved music! Like many I sensed something.
That morning, I saw a huge group of people watching the TV news in the Dorm Lobby, as I was about to leave for school, and quickly realized that something was not right. The year prior I was like many tourist, visiting NYC and saw the Empire State, the Trump Buildings, and the beautiful World Trade Centre, and had wanted to go back before the semester started this year, so watching the live footage was so scary. Like many people I had friends, and family friends who worked close to the Trade Centre, or in them. All were ok, Praise God. My prayers and love still go out to those who lost their lives and the grieving families.
Being that I lived close to the highest building in Boston, and the planes had left from Boston, my friend asked me to leave the area with him, and take the subway to "Cambridge MA". We did, and I bought my very first cell phone (which I had protested for a long time due to the radiation that everyone underplays), and I called my relatives in Canada and India, he called his family in NYC, as we both sensed they must have been worried.
The two things that calmed myself, and the nation after this awful experience was prayer and meditation. Meditation is one of the Limbs of this 8 Limbed practice of Yoga. Samadhi is the ultimate goal of the practice, union with the Divine.
We heal when we pray, when we forgive, when we love. We triumph when we love. If it means setting aside a few minutes a day to spend with your breath, with the faith that inspires you, do so. Sit, communicate with a Divine Energy, and deepen your personal faith. This world is one of energy, and when we unite with LOVE, Peace, and Kindness there is no room for darkness. Allow yourself to shine with light. For a light can shine in the dark, but darkness can never dim the light.
"Peace worldwide, begins Inside" ~ Ambriali
PEACE, is the best detox you can do for yourself. Did someone hurt you? Did someone steal from you? Did someone cheat you? Did someone hurt someone you love? You may never get to change the situation, but you can change how you view the "pain" from it, and invite healing to take place.
Some of my students are amazed and mention how I can be so calm and cool with situations....Perhaps is from amazing guidance from my parents. The truth is, yea sometimes you might lose a loved one, you might work hard and not get compensated, sometimes people may steal from you, you might get hurt in life.....but until it is your last breath, you are still alive.....and if you want to live life to the fullest, let go of whatever does not serve you. Let those who sow negative seeds reap their own rewards, as you be the bigger person and forgive. It is not easy, but well worth it, and truly YOGIC. Grief especially is the hardest, but God is Stronger than we are, so surrender it all to God, and watch as miracles take place. Remember, no judgement, healing happens for each individual in their own time.
Even if you maintain the awareness that the actions done to you, disappoint you.....but never give negative actions power, over your positive outlook and love in your heart. Your happiness is worth much more. Take a couple minutes a day, and pray for people who hurt you, pray for people who lost loved ones, pray for the world....and watch your world change. I pray that you all find love and peace in your heart, it is already there, waiting to be found!
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong".-- Mahatma Gandhi
If you have yet to visit my newest YouTube Channel, please do so & share with your friends.
http://www.youtube.com/user/Ambriali It is a Mind-Body-Spirit Channel. With Healthy Juices, Beautiful Guided Meditation, Yoga (coming soon), and stuff to make you & the people you love smile! The Guided Meditation Videos have special frequencies added to the music to bring the listener to dream states, to further the purpose of the meditation. ~ Om Shanti