For those of you who have followed my blog you know I love to challenge myself and be open to new experiences with my yoga practice, and I twice ventured into the world of Naked Yoga, and found it to be one of the most pure and positive experiences ever. It was a chance for me to truly surrender to my breath, be vulnerable, embrace Aparigraha (non-hoarding/possesiveness), and fall in love with all the curves and splendor that is my body during asana. The class I took was at the Pheonix Temple with Isis in NYC, it was co-ed, and she invited me back to play live music for the second class. While the second class I allowed me to hide my vulnerability behind my guitar, many insecurities were shed from both experiences. The biggest realization is the concept of beauty or flaw is an illusion, and the thought "OMG I am naked" becomes a natural reminder of how we all came to this journey.

Now in India many of the Naga Baba's (most revered Sadhu's who are nude and renounced the things of this world) have emerged from their deep meditation in the mountains to partake in Kumbh Mela. In India, many of the most revered Sadhu's practice naked as a way to release all attachments, while in the West we are flooded with over-priced yoga apparel, and air-brushed images that often times create a negative sense of self worth and unrealistic goal focused purely on the physical. With yoga being a practice of unity of mind-body-spirit and self-realization, it would be natural for yogis to embrace detachment, but sometimes we lose sight of this quest in our fashion infused asana classes. Because of my personal experience, I always recommend my yoga students and teacher trainees to embark on a naked yoga class, or even practice on their own. We forget how much emphasis we place on things of this world (shirt riding up, pants slipping down, matching clothes etc.), and many of these things can potentially be distraction from the oneness of the practice.

One of my beloved students, Joseph, did just that, experienced the purity of the practice when done nude, and will be teaching a
naked yoga workshop at LeMale Yoga in NYC (Feb 20, 27th, and March 6th 7:45pm -8:55pm). While this studio provides an amazing playground of exploration inspired workshops, Joseph is guaranteed to have people feel comfortable in their own skin while maintaining a challenging, safe, and powerful vinyasa class with attention to alignment.
Another paradox of the world of Yoga is, in India yoga was predominantly a practice for men/warriors, and today in other parts of the world we often see classes predominantly with women. I have heard many of my male students admit that this can be intimidating at times. The 3 week workshop that Joseph is teaching at LeMale Yoga is for men only (sorry ladies), but promises to be a powerful experience.
For more information on this amazing workshop visit:
To read about my experience with naked Yoga please visit: