I am so thankful for 2009! Last year provided amazing growth in my Yoga practice, amazing yoga experiences both in private and group settings, wonderful music gig /studio/writing opportunities, met some really great people, and I learned a lot. Last year, after tireless work with a film, completing a feature length score and sound editing, I was faced with an unfortunate predicament. Despite the challenges that can face budding artists, the silver lining was an amazing learning experience, which inspired a chance to dive deep into my yoga practice, and the approaching Christmas Holiday. To lift my spirits I decided to dress up like Santa and do some Yoga. My friend thought it would be funny to share. While this
video could have been posted at Christmas time 2009, who says it can't be Christmas all year round? Regardless of what we celebrate, lets embrace a positive shift to healthy living in this New Year. A healthy mind, body and spirit can help us through all the challenges that we face. Hope everyone had a lovely Holiday Season (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and any other festivities of the Season), and embraces a healthy fitness routine and healthy eating habits for this amazing new year. It was so great to be home in Canada with the family, eat a lot of yummy food, and hear other Canadians end phrases with eh! Enjoy 2010!
~Peace & hugs Ambria