It's the season where many of us have sore throats. A common family remedy in many Indian homes is Turmeric Milk. Turmeric has many amazing health benefits. It is commonly used in many Ayurveda's practices because of the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial properties. Recent research is linking turmeric to treatment for various cancers and Alzheimer's. It is also a wonderful addition to most curry dishes. To make the turmeric elixir that soothes the throat...
Turmeric Milk:
Use your 1 1/2 cup of the milk of choice (Rice, Oat, Hemp, Almond, or Cow)
Warm up the milk over the stove without boiling it
Add a Tsp of Turmeric
Pour into your cup/mug
Add honey or blue agave nectar for sweetening
Optional you can add cinnamon, cardamon for flavor!
Mix it up and drink the warm, light yellow cup of heaven. Feel free to discard the turmeric sediment that sometimes may rest at the bottom of your cup.
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