Soon to come on DVD will be the Ohashiatsu Advanced Technique DVD, starring ME!!!! The reason I love the Ohashiatsu technique so much, is because this gentle touch on the meridians is so similar to yoga, and nadi lines/marma point theraphy. I am so grateful to have been asked to participate in the making of this latest DVD project with Ohashi himself. We spent one remarkable day together filming. He had asked me to bring all solid color yoga clothes, and when I arrived, he decided to put me in a snug, black, spandex-full body cat suit (something I never imagined to wear in my life). The energy of the filming process was amazing. I would get into various advanced/intermediate yoga poses (wheel, tortoise, bridge, downward dog, etc) and he would do Shiatsu treatments on me. The director was amazed at how myself and Ohashi just flowed from one treatment to another, without any prior planning or scripting involved. Our energy was so amazing. Ironically, my neck and back were sore due to a recent injury, the body suit I wore had attached feet and hands which made for no traction on the slippery carpet, and as you can see from the pictures our sizes are very different, and yet the filming was seamless! Thank you Ohashi for inviting me to be part of this amazing experience.
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