Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chakra Workshop - The Three Granthis

After a week of silence and transformation at the Magical Zendo, I was so happy to teach a Chakra Workshop the next day. The irony was after returning from silence and serenity, I made my way through literally the chaos of the NYC Marathon FINISH line crowd, to make my way downtown to The Lovely OM Factory, it was so fun. This workshop was particularly special as the "teaching" was energetically shared it with my Sensei/Friend/Student, Joseph. Actually, while I was away at the Zendo (away from internet and phone) Joseph took the lead to arrange and invite all the people to participate for the workshop, thank you so much Joseph!!! It was lovely to see some familiar faces at the workshop. Joseph being an amazing Yoga Instructor & Reiki Master, provided Reiki Hands On Adjustments, did a remarkable Crystal Grid of the Room, and brought his magical energy to the room. Some people were lucky enough to get some impromptu Psychic Readings from Joseph after the Workshop.

The energy in the room was absolutely magnificent. With Candles light in front of the Yoga mats arranged in a Circle (Chakra/Wheel). Our workshop worked its way through the Granthis (Knots), highlighting the power chakras: The Root, The Heart, and the Third Eye. With Yoga Asana work, Chanting, Meditation and even a Stomping where we transformed our bodies into drums to awaken the Kundalini at our Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra). The reality is, our subtle body is so deeply connected to our development of our Yoga Asana Practice. The Subtle body connection illuminates a deeper understanding of our emotional, mental and spiritual connection to our physical bodies. We are limitless, and once we experience this reality in our body, we can soar.

While we had two amazing live musicians who were eager to play, they had prior gigs so were unable to play. Since we had promised Live Music, I played guitar with an original take on a chant "Om Namo Narayana", Narayana being a common name for Vishnu, the 8th avatar of Krishna, who is the Lord of the Heart Chakra. The chant led people into a candle lit Savasana.

It was a magical evening, and it was so lovely to be in the room with the Yantra for the Heart Chakra painted on the wall of the amazing Om Factory. Thank you to all who participated, sharing in the collective consciousness of the room, thank you to Joseph for sharing the incredible energy. For those of you who signed up and missed the magical energy, there will be more to come!!! ~ Om Shanti

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