As I am now in transit, and blessed to spread my wings in the global Yoga community, I returned to NYC on a brief trip. Of course I wanted to take classes with some of my beloved friends & fellow Yogis, and most importantly embrace the concept of stillness. This particular post is about a class that is the opposite of stillness. The class is called Rebounding, taught by my Yoga Sister, Carissa. If you have read my posts before, you may have read about my incredible respect and admiration for this awesome lady, Carissa, who I am blessed to call friend. We met teaching at a lovely studio together, where we left maintaining our friendship. In many ways, Carissa and I have agreed that we consider ourselves equals, in that we are both artists, yoga teachers and if we need to, we will kick your butt in a sweaty class that will leave your muscles shaking, all with a loving/encouraging smile on our face, and a namaste as you leave. For two years she has mentioned this class Rebounding, and I was always teaching at the time she gave the class in Manhattan. Finally, my monday night was free, so I decided to get to this class.
The class was packed, with people eagerly waiting to get on their individual trampolines. So this is what the class is Yoga, Dance Mania, Cardio KickBox, Sculpt and more Dance mania, all done on a trampoline!!! Yes, I said trampoline. A lotta jumping. The music playlist was an incredible compilation by an awesomely talented NYC DJ Dax, that was enough to have anyone motivated. I gave Carissa my hair elastic, as I knew she being the Instructor, needed it more than me. She taught the class with the enthusiasm of a ROCK STAR, because she basically is. While she is cueing the class, counting us in and taking us through this routine of mayhem and sweat, she has a giant "Carissa" smile, and she is head bopping to the music. Making her routine look effortless and amazing. I LOVED EVERY SECOND. Being that I have an irregular heart beat, intense cardio is usually a challenge but if you know me, once I get in a zone and the music is playing I just go for it. Carissa is the awesome teacher that makes you wanna go for it! I still kept it yogic and went at my own pace, not always trying to mimic her Janet Jackson Dance moves on a trampoline, as much as I wanted to...perhaps with practice.
The cutest part was, Carissa had her phone/ipod on silent, and it rang twice. The only person who seems to be able to call her when her phone is on silent, is her mom....I could have swore that her mom called so I could catch my breath. This is the class that will make you sweat, shed those extra layers of fat, get your heart beating, and bring a smile ear to ear, because it is so much fun!! The jumping is also amazing for our lymphatic system too. Carissa gives the new students perfect alignment cues, and is attentive to their safety while making them eager to keep up with the pace of the class....which is probably why the class is so packed. If you are looking for a class to get in shape with, try out Carissa's Rebounding class....she will get you trim & slim. At the end of class after all the sweating, and jumping, I love that Carissa had us sit on our trampolines and center ourselves......what a Yogini. Thank you Lovely Carissa for an awesome Class!!!
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