Ten days of Ohashiatsu Advanced 2 finals week! We are in a flood of Tsubo points, meridians, sedation and tonification techniques, and much more under the brilliant guidance of Ohashi himself. If you have not familiarized yourself with Ohashiatsu, it is a brilliant body work modality for everyone. This modality was developed by Ohashi to help diagnosis of the body, treatment of the body, and be easy for the practitioner long term. With very little effort of the practitioner, the receiver gets a fantastic treatment. This is Ohashi's last Advanced one class in NYC, as the international school is branching out into new and exciting teaching methods. I am so happy to be part of the experience. We are learning so much information, being tested, practicing, and improving each day. Special thanks to Jaja our wonderful registrar hero who has helped many of us, and also gave me an amazing private session the other day. Special thanks to Maureen, Millie, Jean Pierro, Livia, and Kumiko, our Ohashiatsu instructors for helping Ohashi to create such an amazing experience. Many Many thanks to Ohashi for everything he is sharing. Ohashi is a wealth of knowledge, and watching how he is in constant learning mode, always diagnosing people at random, and practicing his art is true brilliance to behold. It is important to learn from a teacher who practices what they teach, but when you get to learn from the creator themselves, it's even better.
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