While Yoga is an ancient practice that teaches Mind Body Spirit connection, in the Western world, we need to utilize the Power of Ideas to enhance this connection. Whether it is as a student or teacher, approaching the yoga class with a fresh mindset, and free of body hang ups can be a challenge. If you live in NYC, you may be fresh from a crowded sub way, late on rent, dealing with drama at work, or various other colors of NYC living, therefore using the power of ideas is key. Ideas or thoughts inspire life. What you think, you become. If you approach your practice from a perspective of lack you will only gain little growth. If you approach your practice from a perspective of ego, you will never achieve the spiritual bliss that can be gained from a humble practice. These powerful ideas should be parallel in your life, meaning approach life with an abundance and humble mindset. When we are compassionate as teachers, we receive compassion from students, when we are inspiring, we wind up being inspired by our students. When we give from a loving thought process, we spread the vibration of love, and we in a karmic way receive love. The most powerful idea one can have is the idea of LOVE. Even when faced with a bully, or a negative situation, allow yourself to look from a perspective of compassion, gratitude for your own awareness of love, and behold how the energy shifts. When contemplating how to structure a yoga class, a play list, a private session, a workshop, a retreat, teacher training, or even setting a dedication/intention for your own personal practice, have the number one idea be LOVE, and allow the practice to unfold with the Power that it naturally is. Keep spreading the vibration with the awareness of the power of ideas. Whatever idea you have about your life, will translate into vibrational reality. This theory is Yogic, Spiritual (most religions agree), and Scientific. We all are vibration, mirror neurons, so be mindful who you associate with, and what you are focusing your mind on. Next time you are on your yoga mat doing tree pose with your mind on your Holiday Shopping List, you will experience the Power of Ideas. The Power of your ideas creates the melody of your life.
Photo taken by Jody Concepcion
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