Thursday, September 24, 2009

Joyous Approach to Tree Pose

Yesterday was one of my longest days teaching yoga. With back to back sessions beginning with my amazing group class at Bamboo, 6:30 am and my last class with Yogi Beans ending at 5:30. I am so grateful to do the things I love and help people in the process. That being said my body was physically in need of a nap, a luxurious bath, an amazing massage etc. (things of that nature). The joy from this day was in the Tree pose. Tree pose is a challenging pose for me due to my low arches on my feet, so I love the chance to focus my mind in stillness. Most adults who do Yoga are fixated on balance and finding that perfect stillness. The joyous tree came at the end of the day when my Yogi Bean kids were eager to do Tree Pose for the purpose of: who can stay up the longest and who falls out the funniest! Kids have the most joyous approach to life and yoga! What a wonderful way to cap a day.

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