One of the best times to practice yoga is at Sunrise. It is a wonderful way to stretch out the body, get the blood flowing, loosen up the fascia, meditate, begin the day with a positive outlook, and truly be connected to the universe. That being said, the dedication it takes to rise out of bed on a Monday morning, to attend a 6:30 am yoga class is truly inspiring. Just wanted to write a note of appreciation to the dedicated group that attend the new morning Sunrise Yoga classes at Bamboomoves. Early morning is a wonderful time to practice yoga. For anyone interested in taking a group morning yoga class that stretches, challenges and rejuvenates the body, come to Bamboomoves (Pelham Bay, BX, NY) Mondays & Wednesdays at 6:30 am. Join us to begin the day with a positive breath. Peace & hugs ~ Ambria
(Painting By: Ambria, Watercolor on Canvas)
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