Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 19 - Airport Meditation

What do you do when you are on the go, traveling a lot and want to keep up with your meditation?  I learned this from many of my travels, especially today.  I am grateful to have spent a week in New York for the Grand Opening of my students beautiful Yoga Studio (Yoga Nidra), and to see my friends, and students, but even when in constant transit, we need to take the time to quiet the noise.
Yogini Tara Stiles meditating at the airport

Just like those of you who opt for a meditation break while at the office, the same may be necessary for those who travel.  While I have seen some people do some yoga stretches in airports, or quietly listen to their ear buds, and even sit cross legged to meditate, it is ultimately a choice. 

Perhaps you need to relax?  Perhaps you need to quiet all the chaotic noise that is often found in the airport.  Or maybe, you just need to close your eyes for a while.  Nowadays some airports even come with Special Meditation Rooms for those travelers who want to have a silent meditative experience.  The reality is you may not have your special meditation cushion, or sacred space available if you are a jet setter, but you always have the sacred space within.  So you can opt to visit the meditation room in your local airport, listen to some guided meditation on your ipod, or perhaps sit on the floor and find your bliss with focus on your breath. No matter what, always be consistent with your mind-body wellness.  Meditation has proven benefits, so always make time to get those results.

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