Wednesday, October 12, 2011

FULL MOON - Manifest your dreams

Tonight is the full moon in Aries. This is a powerful night where we can set intentions for our life and experience the amazing changes this moon can bring into our life. This full moon and season are all about letting go of things that no longer serve you, like fear, grudges, grief, clutter, and anything that is occupying space in your heart without purpose. We are connected to all things in this Universe, therefore it is important what we place our attention on. Let go, Recycle, and Restore your life with loving energy.

For me, I am so grateful for the amazing addition that crystal healing has brought into my life. For those who practice yoga, you can use crystals to meditate or with chakras. It is a lovely tool. Many times I would wear crystal jewelry for specific energy during a yoga session, or place them on the altar of the given yoga studio. A lovely Altar Crystal Layout I enjoy is Apotholyte (upper chakras & Angelic Realm), Rose Quartz (to open the heart chakra and create a sense of love), and Amethyst (for a peaceful energy). A while back I had huge Black Tourmaline Pieces (a stone that absorbs negative energy of others & psychic attacks). The stones broke and powdered, and I was told that it was due to psychic attacks which was actually what I was going through. Crystals, Rocks, Stones do have powers which is why many yogis of old used to wear them to generate specific energetic qualities.

Set your stones out in the moon light to get charged, and notice how they twinkle in a special way. Find an amazing Crystal Healer to help you or a loved one in your specific desires, and see how stones can magnify your happiness.....Get Stoned (LOL)!

Some amazing people who have helped and inspired me on my crystal journey include:
Angel at Union Square NYC
Mary Henry of Mukti Healing
Krista the Rock Whisperer
Heather from Stick Stone and Bones
The Rock Store Toronto

As Autumn relates to the Metal Element, the some pranayama to awaken this energy. The Lung Meridian is located in the arms, so challenge your practice with Arm Balances.

For me, Arm balances ironically come with some remnants of fear from many accidents (dislocated collar bone, wrist injury, spinal injury from a few car accidents which thankfully have healed but the fear of a repeat injury sometimes lingers). Nevertheless, since I am letting go of things that no longer serve me, I decided to jump to the challenge and work on some arm balances to truly highlight the Lung Meridian with Yoga Asana. Feel free to enjoy the yoga video inspired by the Metal Element.

Click on this link to watch the video: Yoga for Metal Element

Namaste & Enjoy the Full Moon!

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