Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 5 Meditation Challenge - Cultivating an attitude of Gratitude

Today is Day 5 of our 30 day meditation challenge.  This is my favorite meditation to practice which
I call "attitude of gratitude".  It is simply saying "THANK YOU".  In your 15 minute time you set aside to sit in meditation, see if you can inhale thoughts of gratitude or even just the word thank you.  Being thankful for the Universe, for you beautiful body, for you family, for you friends, for your triumphs, your food, your talents, your surroundings, your home, for your struggles, for the lessons learned, for everything you can think of in the span of 15 minutes. 
Allow each breath to be an offering of gratitude to the amazing blessings in your life.  If you cannot think of things to be thankful for in your meditation, just allow every inhale to be the silent sound of thank you.  Too often we have complaints, or lack of satisfaction and sadly we may take for granted simple things like clean running water, a roof over our head, or even a healthy body.  While we may be striving towards a body that has more muscle tone or thinner physique, this is all derived from an attitude of lack.  Let us find our "contentment" for this 15 minutes allow yourself to view your life from an attitude of abundance, and be grateful. 

 Gratitude is like a domino effect, the more you are grateful for, the Universe/God provides more things in your life to be grateful for.  Thank you all for sharing and wishing you so much love in this experience.

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