Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pumkin Seeds & Protein Shakes

Many yogis who are vegans and vegetarians have asked me questions regarding protein shakes. When embarking on a disciplined physical fitness routine, it is important to have adequate amounts of protein. Since vegetarians may not be eating the required amount of daily protein, which is 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, a shake may be the best choice.

I prefer natural protein shakes that are free of chemicals and sweeteners. The Vitamin shop brand makes an excellent vegetarian shake that is free of whey and soy, which is my preference. Be aware since the majority of the protein for this brand is based from peas, you will feel like you are drinking liquid peas. Like me, you can always add fruits for taste, fiber and added vitamins.

I also like the Nutri Biotic brand of Vegan Rice Protein Shakes because along with being healthy, they are really yummy! Picking a protein shake that uses stevia and or cane sugar for sweeteners are my preference also, as the long term effects of artificial sweeteners have been linked to tumors and cancer cells. I also like to use rice milk mixed with water, but almond and hemp milk are also good choices.

Finally, one of my newest additions to my protein shakes is pumpkin seeds. These seeds are loaded with goodness like: zinc (good for skin and linked to lower chances of osteoporosis), magnesium (1/2 cup has daily requirement which most of us are deficient in), L-tryptophan (which is a compound that naturally fights depression), and these seeds promote a healthy prostate, bladder function, act as a natural anti-inflammatory, lower cholesterol (which can also protect against some cancers), and help prevent kidney stones.

Make sure to get the adequate amount of protein to replenish your muscles after you work them out. Just a handful a day, grinds up smooth in a good blender and does a body good. ~ Peace & hugs, Ambria

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